Six Strategies for Getting Through Thanksgiving, Meat-Free

Six Strategies for Getting Through Thanksgiving, Meat-Free

Ah, the annual panic that shows up in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving among vegetarians and the people preparing to host them for dinner. While other holidays can be just as (if not more) challenging for plant-powered eaters, there's something about Turkey-centric Thanksgiving that makes people get totally stressed out. We're here to help! 

Wait...My Veggie Dog has MEAT In It?

Wait...My Veggie Dog has MEAT In It?

If you're anything like me, you've been averting your eyes the last few days when headlines like "Your Vegetarian Hot Dog Might Contain Meat!" showed up on your social media feeds. And while the "what I don't know doesn't hurt me" approach did work for a while, I've been feeling a nagging urge to find out more about this surprising bit of news. You too? Great. Let's explore together.

How to Go Veg AND Save $$$

How to Go Veg AND Save $$$

What would you do with an extra $15 a week? Get a manicure? Save up for some concert tickets? If you’re already eating meat free, you might want to go ahead and splurge—you’re saving money, it seems, by preferring plants. Do you find going veg has made you spend more at the grocery store? Then click here for our one rule for eating vegetarian and not breaking the bank. 

[recipe!] (Who Cares if it’s Not) Summer Roll Bowls

[recipe!] (Who Cares if it’s Not) Summer Roll Bowls

We’re back in school and the calendar says ‘September.’ But this week has been H-O-T. That’s why we’re obsessed with these new (Who Cares if it’s Not) Summer Roll Bowls. It's a refreshing meal that requires little time in the kitchen and tastes uh-mazing.

[recipe!] No-Bake, Vegan, Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Balls

[recipe!] No-Bake, Vegan, Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Balls

Is it us, or does it always feel like time for a cookie? Of course cookies are not the best choice for breakfast, or a healthy snack. But how would you feel about a completely plant-powered recipe that can help you ease that cookie craving AND feel totally energized? Then check out our no-bake, gluten-free, vegan, oatmeal raisin cookie balls. 

8 Vegetarian Fast Food Meals Nutritionists LOVE

By: Rachel


Sometimes, I get to do really cool things and call it “work.” A few weeks ago the editors at MindBodyGreen asked me if I could share a favorite chain restaurant meal for an article they were writing, 11 Nutritionists Reveal What They Order at Popular Food Chains. Of course, I have more than one, but I shared a meal that I thought would surprise some people and help them get their day off to an energizing, delicious start because I know a lot of people think that on-the-go breakfast all somehow involve bacon or sausage. So. Not. True.


As I clicked through the choices some other nutrition pros offered, it got me thinking…wouldn’t it be great to have a vegetarian version of this story? So many people ask us vegheads “what do you eat?!?” But ordering meat-free is not as hard as some imagine. Even when you’re eating fast food.


Of course, anyone can go to a burger joint and say “cheeseburger without the burger, please,” and have a meatless meal. However, finding fast food that is delicious, good for you, AND vegetarian may be a bit more of a challenge.


I decided to enlist some of my favorite veg-loving registered dietitian nutritionists to get some mouth watering ideas for meat-free foods you can order at chain restaurants around the country. Here’s what they told me they order (not all are vegetarian, themselves, but each and every one of them loves a good meat-free meal!): 


“I love Moe’s. They serve tofu and I get the salad bowl (with lettuce). They are not stingy on the veggies so they load it up!”

“I also love Mellow Mushroom. It’s great when I can get a plant protein on my pizza; I add tofu to my pizza here. And I love the selection of veggies, too.”

Marni Sumbal, MS, RD, owner Trimarni Coaching and Nutrition, LLC



One of the very few “fast food” style restaurants I visit on occasion is Maoz Vegetarian. Everything is vegetarian there! My order when on-the-run around New York is a ½ falafel sandwich on whole wheat pita. Though I basically transform it into an entire meal since I stuff it with whatever fixings I’m in the mood for that day like red cabbage salad, carrot salad, and tahini or cilantro sauce, all from their fresh toppings bar. One of the best parts…I leave there satisfied and feeling good about what I ate.”

Jackie Newgent, RDN, chef, nutritionist, and author of The With or Without Meat Cookbook



“My favorite meat-free (and healthy) fast-casual meal is at Blaze, a Chipotle-style pizza restaurant. They make custom-built pizzas, so you have total control over how they turn out. Cheese on half? Sure. Artichokes on a third? Just one piece of basil? Okay! Seriously, they’ll do whatever your weird little heart desires. I typically order their standard thin crust with marinara, ask them to go light on the mozzarella, and then load up on veggies like artichokes, bell peppers, fresh basil, olives, spinach, and zucchini. (Top with fresh arugula on half after it comes out of the oven, please?)”

“They offer gluten-free crusts and vegan cheese, too!”

Caroline Kaufman, MS, RDN, LA-based registered dietitian nutritionist and lifestyle blogger



“I eat at Panera Bread once a week with my family and always go for their “You Pick 2” menu. Panera is making some nice changes when it comes to how they produce their food: No artificial additives, no trans fats, and they’re working to take out the ingredients on their “no-no list.”

“I’ve tried a lot of their salads but the new Mediterranean (Chicken) Quinoa Salad is quite nice—I ask for it without the chicken! I also ask for dressing on the side, and then I get the Black Bean Soup as my second pick for added fiber and protein. And of course I delight in the bread, particularly dipped in the soup!”

Rachel Gargano, MS, RD, LDN, CSSD, owner of RG Nutrition and Wellness




“If I’m stuck in an airport, Einstein Bros Bagels is one of my favorite picks. I’ll order a whole-wheat bagel with peanut butter and jelly. The healthy fat and protein keep me full and satisfied for hours. If there’s a McDonald’s nearby I’ll also head there to pick up a low-fat milk to pair with my PB&J for extra protein.”

“My other standby for healthy food on the road is Starbucks. In the morning I’ll always get an oatmeal with blueberries and a non-fat latte for a filling combo of fiber and protein. Later in the day I’ll grab a Hearty Veggie and Brown Rice Salad Bowl. I love it because it’s jammed wit whole grains and loads of veggies that you normally wouldn’t find in a go-to salad like butternut squash, beets, peas, and roasted tomatoes.”

Karen Ansel, MS, RDN, CDN, New York-based nutritionist and writer



“At Chipotle, I get a salad, no dressing, made with romaine lettuce, black beans, fajita veggies, fresh tomato salsa, and guacamole (the salsa and guac are dressing enough). It’s a reasonable 400 calories, and provides a nutrient-rich balance of veggies, lean protein, healthy and satisfying plant-based fat, and a whopping 21 grams of dietary fiber, about 85% of the minimum recommended daily target. I also like the simplicity and quality of Chipotle’s ingredients. I feel like rather than fast food it’s more like healthy food, made fast.”

Cynthia Sass, MPH, MA, RD, CSSD, nutritionist, author, and consultant to the New York Yankees



“I like the baked potato at Wendy’s. This is the least-adulterated sounding offering on a fast-food menu. They’ll even put cheese and broccoli on it and you get 10 whopping grams of filling fiber, plus 15 grams of protein!”

Kerri-Ann Jennings, MS, RDN, freelance health writer and nutrition coach



And last but not least, me! I love the lentil soup at Pret A Manger. I discovered the chain when I studied in London for a semester in college, and was so happy when they opened up stores in my home city (NYC). I get the soup with a popcorn, and I am satisfied and happy. It’s perfect on a cold or rainy day!


What are your favorite healthy, meat-free meals at chain restaurants? 

CSA Survival Guide

CSA Survival Guide

CSA popularity is at an all-time high, which is cool because it means that more people are finding ways to connect directly to farmers, investing in local agriculture, and eating more healthfully in the process. If you’ve taken the plunge and joined a CSA this year, we think that’s awesome. But now that we’re deep into the hottest, most prolific weeks of the summer, you may be feeling CSA burnout. Are you drowning in zucchini? Choking on cauliflower? Fear not! Follow our 5 rules for surviving your CSA this season.


Veggie Voyager! Montreal

Veggie Voyager! Montreal

Can you survive as a vegetarian or vegan in the beautiful Canadian city of Montreal, a place known for cheese curd and gravy-topped poutine and smoked meat sandwiches? Bien sur (like, totally)! Check out our favorite meat-free stops in Montreal.

[nutrient spotlight] Iron

[nutrient spotlight] Iron

Do you get tired from running up stairs? Have trouble catching your breath in sports? Feel listless in class? Iron could be to blame: Around one in ten teen girls is deficient in the mineral, which can lead to these and other debilitating symptoms. Getting enough iron is of extra concern for teens who don’t eat meat, since animal foods like beef, liver, and turkey are some of the most concentrated sources of the nutrient. So how can you get enough iron on a plant-powered diet?

The 10 Vegan Foods You Must Try at Smorgasburg

The 10 Vegan Foods You Must Try at Smorgasburg

The New York Times once called Smorgasburg, the all-food spin off of the popular flea market Brooklyn Flea, “the Woodstock of eating.” We think of it more as food heaven—that is, if heaven had a lot of tents, and magically appeared in Brooklyn every Saturday and Sunday. But is it a place you can go—and enjoy—if you're vegan or vegetarian? We set out on a two-weekend mission to find out! (spoiler alert: you're gonna be OK)

Beans: The Must-Have Ingredient For Vegetarians—Plus, a Giveaway!

Beans: The Must-Have Ingredient For Vegetarians—Plus, a Giveaway!

If there’s one food I wish I knew more about when I went veg, it’s beans. Here's the lowdown on the legumes you should get to love if you're eating less a contest to win some of my favorite snacks from The Good Bean!

[recipe!] Cashew Apricot Ginger Breakfast Cookie

[recipe!] Cashew Apricot Ginger Breakfast Cookie

Finals are coming! Finals are coming! You may be in need of an easy-to-make, easier-to-grab super-portable and nutritious breakfast to help power you through those morning exams. Enter our dee-licious cashew apricot ginger breakfast cookie.

Waste Not! Six Ways to Make Your Meals Even More Sustainable.

Waste Not! Six Ways to Make Your Meals Even More Sustainable.

Today is the last day of Earth Month. And while we haven’t a huge big deal about it—after all, eating in a more sustainable, environmentally beneficial way is always on our minds here at SmartGirlVeg HQ—we didn’t want April to end without giving you some handy tips you could use to lighten your impact on the planet.

School Spotlight: NYC's The Peck Slip School, P.S. 343—The Second Plant-Powered Public School Cafeteria!

School Spotlight: NYC's The Peck Slip School, P.S. 343—The Second Plant-Powered Public School Cafeteria!

SmartGirlVeg spent a lunch period at The Peck Slip School—one of the only public schools with a vegetarian cafeteria in the country. Will elementary school kids choose chickpeas in place of chicken fingers? Join us as we investigate!